To empower each student at the beginning of high school with the foundation to qualify for college admission, scholarships, and grants.
Our focus is on First Generation children, whose parents have not attended college or never graduated from college with a four-year degree. Since only 37% of Americans have graduated with a four-year college degree, that leaves us with over 60% of adults having no four-year college degree. Today over 70% of all jobs demand a college degree, and long-term technology advancements such as Artificial Intelligence are moving at lightning speed. It is imperative that we give First Generation students absolute support in qualifying for and being accepted into a four-year college or university.
First Generation Students need support in ways that students who have parents that have successfully navigated the challenges of graduating and receiving a four-year degree do not. We know that today’s high schoolers face many challenges to qualify for and to get accepted into a four-year post-secondary educational institution. Number one on that list is the support of a high school counselor to guide them on a path toward college admissions. Ratios of high school counselors nationally average 1 to 461 students, and at some schools it is 1 to 700. Worse yet, in some schools, there are no counselors at all.
This leaves a very distressing fact that many high school students are left to educate themselves, and manage the very complex world of qualifying for college, getting accepted for a 4-year college or university, and then having to figure out how to pay for the ever-increasing costs.
Many First Generation Students come from homes with limited financial resources, and many familial challenges. From alcoholism, drug addiction, foster care, incarcerated parents, parents suffering from psychological issues, 30% of single parents who are raising children without the resources of a two-parent home, and the three million kids being raised by grandparents.
This is why we created the HIGH SCHOOL TO COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP GUIDE™. We are focused on these groups, while also providing the guide for FREE to all high school students nationally. We want to provide each ninth grader with the right tools at the right time to stay focused throughout high school to qualify for and get accepted into the institution of their dreams.
The HIGH SCHOOL TO COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP GUIDE™ will soon be online on our site. Each student will soon be able to create a personal login and maintain all their high school activities from SAT, ACT, Scores, Awards, Sporting Activities, Volunteering, Year by Year Organizational Spreadsheets, Concise Resume, and many other topics.
Parents have complete access to the site to help their students stay organized and focused. Parents are educated in the seasonal activities that their students and themselves need to accomplish year by year to maximize their ability to qualify for and apply for grants, scholarships, student loans, and other financial services.
We know that because of the major shortages of high school counselors, it is mandatory that students, especially ninth graders, and their parents take on a more active role in the management of the students’ activities throughout high school to build a compelling resume and high school transcript that will stand-out among college admission and scholarship applicants.
The best part of all of this is, it is completely FREE to the students and parents. The foundation provides the guide, the website participation, and the annual updates that are necessary for students to stay informed about current information and changes. This gives the students and parents the foundation of educational empowerment!